what we do


Cetana is committed to helping people in Myanmar access educational opportunities they couldn’t otherwise afford. We continue to strive to fulfill the ever-present need for English language instruction and critical thinking skills.

Students in Cetana English Proficiency Center with teacher Chaw Su.

Students in Cetana English Proficiency Center with teacher Chaw Su.

Accomplishments in Myanmar

Cetana learning centers in Yangon have reached more than 5,400 students;

• Cetana’s learning center in Kyaing Tong, along with the two centers in Yangon, are helping youth in Myanmar/Burma to obtain the skills necessary to compete in the new international environment;

Cetana Scholarship Program for Study Abroad has provided 80 scholarships for study abroad for some of Burma’s most promising students;

Cetana Career Advancement Program is directed to helping Myanmar overcome its shortage of English teachers who possess up-to-date skills to teach the language;

• Cetana has distributed 10,000 books to 75 libraries in Burma;

• Cetana regularly distributes Scholarly Journals to schools and libraries;

• Cetana has published and distributed more than 5,000 tri-lingual illustrated children’s dictionaries.

Cetana Academic Program for English opening assembly Fall 2014

Cetana Academic Program for English opening assembly Fall, 2014

Learning Centers
Cetana’s in-country programs include four popular learning centers, two in Yangon, and one in the northeast Shan State, in Kyaing Tong. Our teachers use the latest methods in teaching English, professional writing and research skills. Classes focus on spoken and written English, and include the development of critical thinking and analytic skills, which are particularly important in a country where the state’s pedagogy emphasizes rote and memorization.

In 2015, Cetana opened the Career Advancement Academy that offers a series of courses directed to building a skills base for students who want to participate in the global opportunities provided with the opening of Myanmar to the West. The Academy also offers courses that prepare students who seek to study abroad. read more →

The Academy occupies new space at our Yangon flagship school. Courses are held in the afternoon and evening and on Saturday. Upon request the Academy will hold classes for employees at the offices of a business or NGO.

Courses are wide-ranging. Cetana’s well-regarded Teacher Training courses are included in the schedule of course offerings.  On the career advancement side, we offer Business English to prepare employees for higher level positions in their companies or NGOs. We conduct Writing Workshops to help employees

Cetana envisions establishing learning centers throughout Myanmar/Burma, with emphasis on representation in areas where the ethnic minority Shan, Kachin, Chin, Rakhine, Mon and Karen people reside. Elements of the Cetana model include selecting teaching professionals who are native to the region and who have strong entrepreneurial instincts We frequently strengthen teachers’ skills with advanced work in an ESL certification course in Thailand and practice teaching in our Yangon learning center.

The cost to establish a Cetana Learning Center is $50,000.
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